  • Powerful patient communication tool
  • Visual aid for determination of final aesthetics
  • Template for adequate tooth preparation and final restorations
  • Quick fabrication of excellent provisional restorations
  • Enables the patient to visualise possible changes to shape and alignment of the teeth.
  • The wax-up can show the teeth and soft tissue relationship.
  • Diagnostic wax-ups are used when moderate to significant cosmetic changes are to be considered.
  • It will provide a systematic approach to comprehensive and complex case management.
  • Once the dentist and the patient are satisfied with the diagnostic wax-up, it becomes the foundation for anticipated treatment.
"We Make Digital Dentistry Happen"
About Product
Diagnostic Wax-up Diagnostic wax-ups help the patient, dentist and technician to visualise the final aesthetic and functional outcome.
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Considering cosmetic treatment? Have a chat with us today. We provide the full range of cosmetic treatment options, so you can achieve the results you’re looking for.