Gold crowns
Key characteristics
- Suitable for posterior crowns
- Longevity
- Versatile - Crowns, bridges, onlays, inlays
- Limited preparation required
- Non precious and precious applications

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About Product
Gold crowns
have traditionally been used in the dental industry for many years. Gold crowns can be used for
many restorations such as crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays and can consist of either non-precious or precious
gold alloys. The NPG restorations are milled while Precious gold crowns are resin printed using state of the
art CAD/CAM technology offering optimum accuracy of fit.
The key attribute of a gold crown is its longevity, on average, crowns made with gold can sometimes last
nearly 20 years and never fracture like porcelain. The preparation required for a gold crown is the simplest
and least complicated preparation as there is minimal tooth structure removal. One of the significant
advantages of gold is the relative smoothness of the material creating a natural cleanliness limiting bacteria.
Gold crowns as a material is also very gentle to the opposing teeth (similar to natural teeth) as opposed to
porcelain restorations. Over the long haul this can prevent other significant problems; including back of bite
collapse and TMJ problems.
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Considering cosmetic treatment? Have a chat with us today. We provide the full range of cosmetic treatment options, so you can achieve the results you’re looking for.